(321) 320-8776
VA Foreign Medical Services Foundation was created In March 2019, The Founder of VAForeign Medical Services Foundation is Scott J Martin He is also a Veteran Living outsidethe United States in Dominican Republic. The Founder of VA Foreign Medical Services Foundation saw the need for something to be done for other Veterans outside the United States that are being left behind by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VHA) and (VBA) are leaving Veterans behind if they decided to move out-Side the United States! Most Veterans don’t Realize that when He / She Moves out of the United States that He/ She will lose most of the benefits Title 38 Code of Federal Regulations, 38 CFR Book A, General: Parts 0 – 16 Under the LAW Veterans loose most of the Benefits when they leave the United States! It’s the way the Law is written only for the United States! Veterans that Leave the United States Only get a few of the Benefits. Like? Medical Coverage is Only for Service-Connected Conditions that you are Service Connected for and getting paid for! But you also,must be Enrolled in the Department of Veterans Affairs Program Called Foreign Medical Program it falls under VHA Office of Community Care in Denver Colorado.
The Department of Veterans Affairs Tracks Veterans in All 52 States in the United States! The Department of Veterans Affairs Does Not track Veterans outside the United States! Zero Veterans Tracked Outside of the US! The Department of Veterans Affairs has 18.2 million Veterans Worldwide but only 9 million use the VA? This shows you that many of the Men and Women who have served in the TOP Military in the world are being left behind! The VA Foreign Medical Services Foundation was started to Help Veterans that are living out-side the United States that are struggling to get Medication for a non-service-connected condition or getting help to fight VA for a service-connected condition that was Denied by (VBA) or Help getting Medical care that is not covered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VHA) Because the Veteran is no longer in the United States and the Program does not cover Non-Service-Connected Conditions out-side the United States! STARTING February ,2022 VA Foreign Medical Services Foundation will take on the mission of Building a Full-fledged Hospital with Emergency room and Hospital with multiple specialist Doctors in the Hospital.
VA Foreign Medical Services Foundation is a non-Profit foundation that Truly helps Veterans All Around the World! Veterans Need Help and we are here to Assist the Veterans in any way we can to help them live a better Life!
MISSION STATEMENT - To honor and serve are Nation’s Veterans. VA Foreign Medical Services Foundation is the largest NON-Profit Origination in the Caribbean taking care of the Men and Women who served our Country! Providing top notch Service them!
VA Foreign Medical Serv ices Foundation is Passionate about Helping other Veterans outside the United States,That need help with Medical Needs or Needs help with trying to get Compensation for an Injury or Illness Caused from Military Services, We fill the gap that Department of Veterans Affairs can’t fill we are here to help all Veterans.
Your gift will ensure veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits they deserve, provide care and support during tough times.VAFMSF fights for Veterans outside the United States and will Continue to Move forward with care for Veterans and Family Members.